Wednesday, 25 November 2009

We have been studying
Structures of the earth
We got to go to Dynamic Earth and find out loads of information about the Earth and how it was made, we also had a debate and a ride through time!
I would recommend it!!!
thanks for reading I hope you visit there in the future!!!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

  • well our class our doing a project on the earth structure.
  • The earth is made of lots of layers.
  • It is a bit like a egg the shell is the crust, the next layer is the mantle, and the middle is the core.

Naturally Made

Learning about the structure of the earth is really interesting.
We have learnt that Niagara Falls, Ayers Rock,The Rocky Mountains,Mount Everest etc
are all naturally made by rain,wind,sand etc.
Top 5 Facts about Volcanoes + Earthquakes!!!
1.lava is called magma when it is inside the earth.
2.earthquakes can make buildings fall and people can get hit and die.
3.Edinburgh castle is a volcano..
4.there are no volcanoes in the UK.
5.earthquakes are very destructive
I hope that you have found my facts interesting!!!

Friday, 20 November 2009

The Earth's Structure

The Earth has four different "layers". They include:the crust,the mantle,the outer core and the inner core.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Links to YouTube - Examples of Earth Movies

The following links provide examples of 'movies' which can be created based on a slide show with backing music.

Remember you need to include facts about the area of study as well as providing an appropriate background music.


California -

China -

China -


Earth Structure & Volcanoes