Thursday, 25 March 2010

Kenya and Scotland

Scotland Kenya

Population - July 2009 - 5 168 500 39 002 772

Prime Minister - Gordon Brown Raila Odinga

Area of land - 78 772 Km2 580 367 Km2

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

purple bear 1325, my kenyan facts.

Highest Mountain- Ben Nevis(Scotland) Mount Kenya(Kenya)

Population- 5 million(Scotland) 32 829 590(Kenya)

Main Language- English(Scotland) Swahili.(Kenya)

Monday, 22 March 2010

Jesus - Easter

The riddle of Palm Sunday

The Last Supper

The Crucifixion and Peter's denial

Easter Art

The story

Target to draw something which is associated with Jesus & Easter, which could then be made into Edible Art

It will be flat 2 D art nothing as complicated as 3D
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah,
Painting based on classical biblical theme. Mary Magdalene and Jesus. Easter art.

The concept is we will take photos as it is made and then as we eat it.

The creation and the death

Make into a movie but reverse the view so --- death followed by creation to symbolise the death of Jesus and his resurrection.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Does anyone know where the earth movie we made is on YouTube ?

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

We have been learning about robots.We built our own robot then we had loads of races.